Tag Archives: Treme

Machine Of Death, Not Getting Much Done, Excuses, Excuses

I’m rather tempted to submit a story for Machine Of Death 2. For the exposure alone, it’s a brilliant opportunity. And I do have a few ideas … all right, yes, I will. I’ll spend the next few days writing a short story (maybe even two) for submission. Couldn’t hurt, right? And if it doesn’t get chosen then I can always add it to a short story collection.

Meanwhile, not a lot of writing got done yesterday. In fact, here’s my entire output for the day:

Things to reveal; composition, recruitment, goals, leadership–names. Ashley has an excellent memory.

Yep, I am a writing machine. Still, better than nothing. I was a little bit sick yesterday, and today as well if you want the truth, but that’s no excuse! Write through the pain! Write through the horrible, horrible nose!

Or just lie in bed sniffling and feeling sorry for yourself, whatever works. On the plus side of things Treme is really quite tremendously excellent. Could it rise to the heights of The Wire? Well, time will tell. I think the best way to approach it is to just put The Wire out of your mind entirely (which isn’t that easy considering the actors/directors/writers involved) and take it as it comes; tremendously well-written, well-directed, well-acted human drama with great characters. I do feel that the basis for the show isn’t as intrinsically compelling, but who cares, it’s great.

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Posted by on April 28, 2011 in Of Writing


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